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Flash end of life killed this game.

Not really, it was only meant as a short little test game to begin with so it's technically complete and is ported to android and windows stand-alone, but some other games did sadly meet their end before completion or even starting due to the death of flash, yes, :3

I’m confused 


These are confusing times we live in, :3


why wont the game load up?

hmmmm, not sure, do you have flash active?

Flash no longer exists since last December unfortunately. 

(1 edit)

Yup, so the only option now is the downloaded android version, :3


I honestly expected more than just hotdogging and grinding. I liked it but it was a bit of a letdown, I kinda expected to see Wildebeest giving Beastboy a pounding...

Meh, for a quick entry to a short game jam, twas all I could manage at the time. I do need to go back and update it. Even better, turn it into a 3d game, xD

Hopefully with more content than it currently has?

Don't see why not, :3

Can it work on window?

Sure, I really should make a port to windows but didn't think anyone would wanna download such a short game, :3